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address: 4930 West Chester Pike
Newtown Square PA 19073, USA

Nat-Cat Community, Inc.  

We are a workforce & affordable housing initiative that provides case management, trauma informed care, basic needs, financial literacy, credit counseling, education, computer literacy, resume building, life coaching, HoloEye AI companion AR glasses, & Lifewave Stem Cell Patches. ThirdEye Gen Inc. Augmented and Mixed Reality Glasses will be available as a resource for the clients with HoloEye AR/AI companion as well as for healthcare, educational & employment purposes. 

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Activate your stem cells.


As we age, our stem cells decline in their ability to heal our bodies. Imagine if we could activate our stem cells and reset them to a younger, healthier state.This would be healing in a completely non-invasive, safe and cost-effective way. The LifeWave X39® is clinically proven to provide the body with a level of health and vitality that you have not experienced since you were in your youth. Backed by multiple clinical studies and 20 years of development, the LifeWave X39® patch has been demonstrated to provide an abundance of health benefits. Benefits: The LifeWave X39™ patch is designed to elevate a copper peptide known to activate stem cells.


ThirdEye Gen, Inc.

These programs will be our services and they will span across many segments which our organization will be known for. They will form the basis of our operation and as our business expands, these programs will be much more elaborate than what obtains in the present phase as well as the fact that more imparting programs will be subsequently introduced. The advanced features of our smart glasses, along with artificial intelligence-guided focus, allows our holographic assistants to advance break-through cellular technology to promote self-healing. It is only through our innovative and creative approach to existing challenges that we can deliver improvements in regenerative (stem cell) medicine treatments for neurological diseases, disorders, and dysfunctions.

Our team has filed patents on multi-sensory light and sound waves for the eyes and brain for cellular-level regeneration of the body. HoloEye AI will be the Holographic Super Human Intelligence Assistant for OculiDeus (Eye of God), powered by our Proprietary Biological Artifactual Intelligence Model (BAiM). BAiM represents the biological and molecular signatures of cells, tissues, organs, and full body scans. This proprietary modulation sequencing converges with other Large Language Models (LLMs) to optimize the ability to heal the body from within. The modulation of this “epigenetic symphony” is the mechanism to improve the outcomes of devastating degenerative disorders, including neural and cardiac degenerative diseases.

Regenerative Healthcare
Our team's ecosystem of augmented reality and bioengineering advancements push modern healthcare far beyond.

Mental Health
Our team delivers novel and customized treatments to defeat mental illnesses and disorders.

Recovery through positive replacement
Addiction is a widespread concern. It is a condition that affects people worldwide of all ages, backgrounds, socioeconomic status, and genetic disposition. Nearly 10% of the population struggles with addiction. This chronic disease changes the actual structure and function of the brain by swapping the normal pleasure center sensors with those of the substance to which someone is addicted. This change means that one does not enjoy the same as others as the brain changes. Compulsive, addictive behavior now fulfills the needs of pleasure and desire.

Addictive behaviors often lead to serious emotional, social, and physical challenges. Our unique treatment methods eliminate the need for poor choices to satisfy the goal of pleasure. Through the utilization of holograms, light, and sounds, our treatments can deliver solutions that guide the addicted to a healthy outcome.

Understanding and overcoming loss
Everyone experiences grief in different ways: some individuals are very outward in their expression of grief, whereas others internalize the pain of loss. Both instances can require treatment to make the patient feel better about the loss and to understand it while respectfully moving on. The handling of grief is a very individualized process requiring a delicate and intimate approach.

Sometimes, all we need is closure. This can be accomplished through communication, even with those who have passed on. HoloEye can present a hologram of a loved one with whom this closure can be reached or as a guiding light to discuss personal challenges. If additional treatment is required, a modification of the light and sound presented to the patient can stimulate positive receptors to offset the negative feelings. The addition of these communications can minimize the chance for grief to turn into other mental illnesses, such as depression or loneliness.

Overcoming negative feelings through positivity
Depression is a disorder that affects hundreds of millions of people around the world. Oftentimes, it is in association with other disorders such as addiction or anxiety, and it can be debilitating to those suffering from it. Current treatments include cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), among others. Our treatment options go far beyond these principles by using light and sound to stimulate the brain and reset receptors to combat this terrible disability.

Depression and other mood disorders are a significant hurdle for those suffering to live and work comfortably and confidently. The combination of our smart glasses and biological advancement treatments can ease the path to successfully altering one’s mental state to positivity and happiness. 

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Connecting with others through treatment
An important reality about loneliness is that being alone and lonely are not the same condition. A lonely person will feel lonely even if surrounded by friends and family. Loneliness is a painful condition that can lead to additional mental health issues, such as Alzheimer’s and depression, as well as physical challenges such as heart disease, chronic pain, and it is also believed to contribute to instances of cancer. In fact, social anxiety often is a leading indicator of loneliness. Humans feel an innate need to be together with other humans, which is our natural, and happy, state.

There are many factors that contribute to the feeling of loneliness: work from home (WFH), living alone, and even being in a crowd but unable to properly function or communicate. The combination of smart glasses and biometric (light and sound) markers allows for comforting auditory and visual cues to reset the brain to a better and healthier state.

Supportive Housing

Nat-Cat Community, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) organization based in Pennsylvania. The nonprofit organization offers a Wellness Center with a full range of therapy services as well as a coaching program that leads to permanent, affordable housing. Our program provides methods that function without the use of medicine.